đź’» VERSION = 3.2.3
đź’Ž When you purchase an item your account will be opened in our website and you will get your account info with an email from WooDev.
đź’Ž Also you will get a license key for your every individual product purchase. Please visit to access your license keys.
đź’Ž Use your login credentials and sign in. Copy your license key and open your WordPress admin dashboard.
đź’Ž Download, install and activate the plugin. You will see a license activation notice. When you click “Click here” on the notice, License Management page will be open.
đź’Ž Paste your license key to related plugin’s activation form and click activate. After successful activation you will get auto updates.
🌟Dynamic supports the main plug-in for custom post type, metadata, taxonomies, media file, and users like Elementor Pro, ACF Free and ACF PRO, WooCommerce, WPML, Pods, and Toolset.
So you’ve been probably questioning yourself, “What makes Dynamic different?” or, to put it simpler, “What makes Dynamic so unique to be worth my money?”… Here we are with some considerations about it.
đź”’We aim to create synergy, connection, cooperation and, of course, to cover the most used plugins.
That’s why Dynamic supports the main plugin for custom post type, meta fields, taxonomies, media file and users such as Elementor Pro, ACF Free & ACF PRO, WooCommerce, WPML, Pods and Toolset.
📦Dynamic is built for and by Designers
Dynamic can serve any kind of creative purpose. We are designers-friendly! You’ll love SVG which create smart, flexible and light icons in any size, or Panorama which allow you to display a spherical picture in
👩‍💻360 grades using VR mode.
Just imagine how powerful your website could be! Well, and that’s just to mention a few of our widgets…
Creativity flow through our veins because our widgets are developed with designers in mind.
Lillian –
Not bad, but could use some improvements.
Mr –
Great, thanks. Worked first time.